We are Secular Franciscans and Franciscan Youth from all over Europe united for a common cause: to guarantee a fundamental human right to safe drinking water and to install wells in poor African countries, collaborating with local Franciscan communities. We want to respond to the encouragement of Pope Francis: „access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. Our world has a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water” (Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, 30).
We understand that we will not be able to help all, therefore, we decided to first help those who belong to our family in the faith (see Gal 6:10), that is, Catholic communities where members of the Franciscan family are present. Moreover, although local Franciscans commit themselves to coordinate implementation of particular projects, beneficiaries of these projects are the whole people of the area, despite their religious beliefs.
This initiative is based on voluntary participation so neither the fundraising nor implementing the project require any administrative expenses and therefore, 100% of the donations go to the main purpose. Both in Europe and in the respective African communities, the initiative is based on the grassroots principle, where ordinary people take concrete action to help those in need.
Installation of one water borehole costs around EUR 10.000. We cordially thank you for every donation which help to provide safe drinking water to the most vulnerable people.
The Secular Franciscan Order (Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis, OFS), also known as Brothers and Sisters of Penance or the Third Order of Saint Francis, today unites about 174 thousand members and is present in 112 countries of the world. The Order is comprised of families and single people, who live according to the Rule approved by the Pope, gather in fraternities, undertake social and public initiatives and bring testimony of faith to their environment. The OFS has full autonomy, a coordinated structure and is directly subordinate to the Holy See.
More information about the Secular Franciscan Order: ciofs.info.